However, the selection of a good affordable cigar can be a daunting one. In amongst the lower-priced sticks are many real stinkers. Bad cigars can sit like ash in your mouth or spoil the air like the aftermath of a chili taste-off. In this article we have the first in a selection of good, affordable cigars that can be had for under $10 a stick, and frequently will cost much less than that when purchased in quantity. These are intended to give any cigar smoker a tasty entrance into the fine world of gentlemanly smoking without requiring him to destroy his budget.
Macanudo Cafe Hampton Court
is an attractive, mild cigar made by one of the world's largest premium cigar makers. The great benefit of purchasing from a large maker like Macanudo is that you're pretty much guaranteed a consistent quality for a really low price, while still getting a magnificent cigar. This one comes in at about $5-6 per stick when purchased in boxes of twenty-five. Perfect for sharing with your buddies!
Even more affordable for an introductory smoke is the
Ashton Classic Sampler (10)
, which contains an attractive selection of cigars from this well-known cigar maker. Your editorial staff here at Leisure Nouveau has yet to try all of these great-looking cigars, but I'm sure we shall in the near future.
Finally, the
CAO Brazilia Piranha
is a wonderful and affordable cigar for those who want to get into cigars with stronger flavor and a bolder nicotine punch. They're short, so you won't look like a wimp for having to squash your cigar when the spins hit, and they're really delicious. Plus, they've got an excellent Brazilian wrapper, so are a great accompaniment to a selection of bossa nova and a caipirinha or two.