With a leisure-based lifestyle, we have the time to write a classy and beautiful piece of personal communication that can be treasured as a work of art by the recipient. It is important to choose good paper, a fine writing instrument, and quality ink, but the first thing someone is going to see is the envelope. An ugly 1000-for-a-dollar lick-seal envelope may be fine for the uncultured masses and for paying bills, but for a piece of art, we need something more. Letterfolding allows you to put a final personal touch on your communications, that bit of extra effort that says "I care" or perhaps, "I'm too cheap to buy an envelope."
There are many classic letterfolds and you may wish to explore every one of them. My personal favorite is the fern letterfold, mainly for it's simplicity and classic look. For simple notes, and hand delivery, it is a great way to package your thoughts. For postal delivery, you'll want to use some wax and a seal, and/or tie it with a cord to ensure your letter remains unread by all but the intended recipient.
You may wish to explore other more complex designs, or may prefer to fold a separate envelope. There are many letterfolds and envelopes to choose from, and I suggest you practice on something you can toss in your fireplace, prior to folding a letter you may have spent hours on. A great starting place and long term resource is "Envelope and Letterfolding".
If you have your own personal letterfold, I'd love to receive an example of it. You can address it to:
Christopher Maujean
PO BOX 133
Williams, Oregon
I wish you well in creating classier and more personal packaging for your future letter writing endeavors.
Great article, Mr Maujean! I've been practicing letterfolds on many random pieces of paper, and yesterday put a whole pile of letters in the mail. Today should be no different. I really love writing letters, and receiving them.
Oh, and a caveat for those who want to play around with this stuff: I got one of my letters back because it was too small. The post office requires pieces of mail to be at least 3.5" by 5". If you enjoy some of the smaller folds, try wrapping them up in larger envelope folds, I guess!
Just curious how someone with a blog called 'Roadkill Journal' happened on such an old world skill?
Long days and pleasant nights, Mr. Maujean