Once in a while, the gentleman makes his way to the ale house with every intention of producing a review of something he encounters there. It is only the next morning when he finds that his memories of the previous evening are as blurry as the one photo he managed to take at that time.

So it is with the amazing Damnation23. A strong Belgian Ale, triple-aged in new oak barrels, it packs a whopping 10%ABV, which may account for this morning's bleariness. Fortunately, I did take a few notes.
This beer presents with a moderate head which quickly dissipates. One sip makes the reason for this clear: it is a powerful, almost thick ale, one which you could stand a fork up in. Initial taste is very sweet, but surprisingly not in a cloying way - the taste is very pleasant. It finishes easily, with a bright and almost tangy end note. The expected alcohol bite is not apparent in the least, even if its presence is made clear in other ways.
All in all, this ale is a tour de force from one of the region's best-renowned microbreweries. I plan to do further research this evening and perhaps the one after.

So it is with the amazing Damnation23. A strong Belgian Ale, triple-aged in new oak barrels, it packs a whopping 10%ABV, which may account for this morning's bleariness. Fortunately, I did take a few notes.
This beer presents with a moderate head which quickly dissipates. One sip makes the reason for this clear: it is a powerful, almost thick ale, one which you could stand a fork up in. Initial taste is very sweet, but surprisingly not in a cloying way - the taste is very pleasant. It finishes easily, with a bright and almost tangy end note. The expected alcohol bite is not apparent in the least, even if its presence is made clear in other ways.
All in all, this ale is a tour de force from one of the region's best-renowned microbreweries. I plan to do further research this evening and perhaps the one after.
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