Bear Republic's Pete Brown's Tribute Ale, an award-winning beer, was quite a bit more than I was anticipating. Thinking I was just about to encounter your standard brown ale, I was perplexed when it poured a deep ruby-brown, barely translucent enough for a hint of light to shine through it. It has a thin tan-white head with big bubbles and moderate retention, and a burly aroma that fills the nose with strong molasses, roasted barley, and definite coffee notes. This is not your average brown ale. This is more like the Bigfoot of brown ales, in fact.
It follows up its dark appearance and hearty smell with a solid, medium body that borders on thick. It's smooth, but rich with dark, roasted flavors, lots of molasses, and sweet malts. It's a big beer, and perhaps not as refreshing as your average brown ale, but it's certainly worth trying, and I'd certainly recommend it.
It follows up its dark appearance and hearty smell with a solid, medium body that borders on thick. It's smooth, but rich with dark, roasted flavors, lots of molasses, and sweet malts. It's a big beer, and perhaps not as refreshing as your average brown ale, but it's certainly worth trying, and I'd certainly recommend it.

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