There occasionally comes a time in life when one is forced to retreat from the ceremony of loose leaf tea and embrace, if even for a short sojourn, the convenience of bagged tea. As your loyal correspondent, I have spent the last couple of years searching for a worthy tea bag so that you, dear reader, wouldn't have to, and I do believe I've found it.
Stash Super Irish Breakfast is a swarthy, strong black tea that makes up for the customary blandness of tea bags by throwing away subtlety once an for all, and delivering to the mouth a blatant blast of pure, malty black tea. I'd strongly suggest drinking this tea with milk and sugar.
Stash says that this tea has an Assam base with a good dose of Ceylon thrown in for good measure, and as those are my two favorite non-Chinese teas, that may by why I enjoy this particular bag so much (I mean, when loose leaf isn't available). And for those of you who take a strong liking to this particular blend, it's also available in loose leaf form from the Stash website.
I like a couple of Stash teas pretty well! Irish Breakfast is definitely a hearty one. I'd be curious to see if, in this case, there were any difference between loose-leaf and bagged.
(Note: My secret love of Stash's Licorice Spice tisane is... well, not very secret.)
I know I'll be skewered and roasted alive for this... but... a hot cup of good ole' Lipton sometimes really works for me, and I liked it iced even more. It's cheap and dependable.
I like Lipton sometimes, too, but mostly in that "any port in a storm" sort of way. If I'm all out of tea, I'll head for the box of old Lipton tea bags and hope for the best.
Their iced tea is pretty tasty, though, I'll admit. I've consumed my fair share of it.
As for the loose-leaf version of the Super Irish Breakfast, I'm curious about it as well. Stash actually offers a pretty wide variety of loose-leaf teas, and I suppose I should check them out.