Secession pours a lovely black with hints of ruby when held up to the light. The head is thick, tan, and displays excellent retention and very nice lacing. Its floral, grassy, hoppy nose also contains a few fruity yeast notes, and promises a tasty draught.
Black IPA (or IDA or CDA or what-have-you) is swiftly becoming one of my favorite styles, and this beer is a great example of it. Chocolate and coffee play seesaw with piney, citrusy hops, and it is an enjoyable balance. Lurking in the back are some ester flavors from the yeast that add a wonderful finishing touch to this great beer. I would strongly recommend the Secession Black IPA for those interested in this emerging style, and would certainly suggest having one with a cigar, a heavy, spicy meal, or just an afternoon in the sun.

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