I've been tipping back pints of Southern Oregon Brewing Co.'s Le Freaqué Cascadian Dark Ale rather religiously for the past month or so, and I keep finding myself espousing its excellence to curious beer drinkers around me. It's probably time I wrote about it here.

When I wrote about our brewery trip last month, I mentioned the KLCC collaboration brews that several Oregon breweries created. Le Freaqué is a product of that collaboration, and it's not your average CDA. It's brewed with a good measure of rye and partially with a Belgian yeast strain, giving it a remarkable depth and complexity. Some might say that there's too much going on in this beer, but I think it all comes together in such a dance across the palate that I am always surprised it's only $4 a pint.
It pours an opaque black with a tan head and mediocre lacing. On the nose are aromas of coffee, flowery hops, and Belgian yeast. The beer is wonderfully malty, with burnt flavors, strong hops, and delicious fruity esters throughout. I'm going to be very, very sad when this beer runs out, and can only hope that the excellent folks at SOB plan to make it a regular brew.

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