This may seem like an odd thing to write about, but earlier this month I mentioned I'd be talking about some non-natural-fibers that I enjoyed traveling with. I've had a couple pairs of ExOfficio Men's Briefs for almost three years now, and they have proven to be invaluable travel companions. They are light, comfortable, and remarkably sturdy. They are easy to clean, easy to wear regularly, and I am confident that a man could get by for several months with just three pair if he was diligent about washing them.
So the drill is that each morning when you shower, just take your briefs with you and wash them. After the shower, wring them out, roll them up in a towel and ring them again, and then just hang them up to dry. In a humid climate, they will still managed to be clean and dry later in the day. In a dry climate, they will be ready in just a couple of hours.
These guys are entirely artificial: 94% nylon and 6% spandex. They're odor-resistant, anti-microbial, and very stretchy. You can also find them as briefs, and I'm pretty sure that ExOfficio makes a whole line of men's undergarments in the same material. I can't say that I'd want to wear an undershirt made of this stuff, though.
I was curious about travel underwear when I first purchased these, and thought that the high price tag (usually over $15) was a bit excessive. However, on this trip I've been traveling with both normal cotton underwear and my fancy space-age ExOfficio underwear, and the latter have outperformed in every way. They dry faster, are remarkably easier to clean, and I'd love to have another pair. The two pair I have, as I mentioned earlier, are three years old and still going strong; my normal underwear rarely lasts that long.
And they are dead sexy to boot!