Unless one happens to be a really hard-core cyclist, a single-speed used bicycle will probably be perfectly sufficient. One should of course always take the bike on a test ride, and then give the bike as much of an examination as possible. If one already knows how to tune and inspect a bike, that will be a huge advantage. One should try not to spend more than is comfortable, but also remember to compare the price of the used bike with the cost of long-term rental. For instance, in Costa Rica we paid ₡25,000 (about $50) each for our ugly used bikes. This seemed like a rip-off until I compared that price to the price of renting bikes for even just a month or two. (Note that the beautiful beach cruiser in the photo above is actually back home in storage and cost considerably more than $50.)
Before riding a bike in a foreign country, make sure to learn the basics of the traffic laws there, and try to figure out the basics of bicycle safety in that country. Will there be a need to travel at night, for instance? Which side of the road should a cyclist be traveling on? If there's a lot of heavy traffic and hand-signals are expected or required, figure out what they are before needing to use them.
Among the things that one should learn about a bike are the very
basics, such as adjusting seats and handlebars, to the slightly
less-basic like changing tires and tubes and tightening bike chains.
One should also become familiar with basic maintenance, such as
lubricating bike parts and inspecting spokes and wheel alignments.
Here's a list of resources for learning basic bicycle repair and
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