As a caveat, know that the USB ports on a computer only output 500mW (that's half of 1W) of power, so it may not be possible to reap the full benefits of one of these guys. I have heard that one can purchase special dual-plug USB cables that harness the power of two USB ports, but I've yet to try one.
Make sure to get ahold of the wireless adapter long before you leave home, because you'll want to test it as much as possible to make sure it works. This can require quite a bit of fiddling and research, as the proper hardware drivers are not always available. These guys are for those times when you really need a broadcasting boost to connect to that distant access point.
Another handy feature of the Alfa external adapters is that they have a replaceable antenna, so you can always swap it out with something more specialized, like a directional antenna. Read more about antenna choice at RadioLabs. Do not be afraid to experiment, but make sure to test out your equipment at home before you need it desperately abroad.
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