- reCAPTCHA is now being used to help screen comments. This is a great feature that uses your CAPTCHA input to help digitize old books, newspapers, and other media while also blocking spam. This also allows us to accept anonymous comments now.
- We are now using Gravatar's global avatars in comment postings, which allows our commenters to finally have nice little icons next to their posts.
- Various behind-the-scenes optimizations and changes have been made that hopefully speed up the performance of the website. It should be loading faster and running smoothly.
Recently in Announcements Category
Next week we plan to return to a Monday, Wednesday, Friday publishing schedule again. Expect to see some interesting interviews, lifestyle articles, coffee and wine reviews, and even some articles about travel. Thank you all for your patience, and we at Leisure Nouveau are very sorry we've been away for so long.
Once again, our fine pals over at Wine.com are having a really great one-cent shipping sale from January 12th through the 16th! Enter promo code STOCKUP at checkout to pay just a penny for shipping on all orders of $99 or more.
If you're making a slightly smaller order, then you can save $5 on your order of $75 or more by entering code JANFIVE at checkout. Expires 1-31-09.
It's currently Oktoberfest, by the way, and so next week Leisure Nouveau will also focus on German beer reviews! Do you have a beer to recommend? If so, please leave us a comment and we'll do our best to get to it.
Finally, we have another special wine offer for you! There is currently a clearance sale at Wine.com! Save 20% off any 6 or more bottles of clearance sale wines. Enter promotion code BARGAIN at checkout.
I read some excellent news over at the Mutineer Magazine blog, which is that Amazon.com is going to start selling wine! Pretty spiffy, if you ask me. Read more here.
Loyal readers, this is just an announcement to let you know that, thanks to our partnership with Wine.com, we are able to offer you a code to get one-cent shipping from now until September 12 on orders of $99 or more. Once you're going through checkout, enter ONECENT in the appropriate box, and you should see the special deal.
If you're looking for some good wines to try, look back through our wine reviews for some excellent and affordable ideas, or treat yourself to something special, like a delicious bottle of Veuve Clicquot
, or if you're feeling particularly flush, perhaps even a bottle of Dom Perignon